Tuesday, October 2, 2012

The fundamentals of adapting healthy eating to your life

 “The only time to eat diet food is while you’re waiting for the steak to be ready.”
                                                                                                      Julia Child

However, what are the fundamentals of eating healthy? The trick is that everyone knows them but enforce rarely. I am going to remind you some of them.

Rule #1: Whole foods focusing
To be healthier you should become a fan of whole foods and natural ingredients. The choice in favor of whole unprocessed foods can remove a ton of unnecessary fat, sugar and empty calories from your diet. For example, instead of pastries and butter for a breakfast, make a choice in favor of oatmeal and fresh fruits. You can make your meal healthier without any effort. Try to replace white flour for whole grain, eat a portion of vegetables and fruits with every meal, change harmful fats to essential fatty acids.

Rule #2: Do not complicate
In addition to the "whole foods rule” it is also important simplify the way of cooking. You should make a choice in favor of natural, minimally processed ingredients that do not contain "complex" chemical additives and preservatives when cooking. Simple food is the best choice. Plenty of plain water is essential as well.

Rule#3: Eat at least 5 times a day
One of the major changes in your way of life is to start eating small amounts of food but as often as 5 times a day. It helps to keep your metabolism at a consistently high level. Moreover, you will not have this unpleasant feeling of hunger.

Rule #4: Listen to your body
This rule is critical for a healthy diet. You should try to eat only when you are hungry and stop when you are almost full. One of the methods to feel the needs of your body is eating slowly. Slow food intake will allow you to be more attentive to the processes of eating and your body reactions.

Rule #5: Do not be too hard on yourself
One of the biggest obstacles to losing weight or to other fitness success is unrealistic expectations. You have to be realistic and understand that nothing comes too fast. My advice is to stay on the chosen path. Be patient!

Try to adopt healthier lifestyle and results will show promptly!

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