Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Is BodyFlex the easiest way to keep fit?

BodyFlex is a popular system of breathing exercises that can reduce your waist by 10 cm in just one week. This system does not require you any diet or additional exercise. It was invented by American housewife Greer Childers who went from a size 16 to a size 4 by using her own method of deep-breathing technics. Over the past years BodyFlex has become more popular in Russia. I found a huge number of positive feedbacks in our social network Vkontakte.

What is the secret of Bodyflex popularity? The answer is unequivocal: this method is simple and easy. The complex consists of 12 exercises. Each of them is aimed to strengthening the muscles and to developing flexibility of body. Moreover, the technics in combination with a deep breath act on the burning of fat quickly. Posture exercises are mainly based on stretching due to which the cells of our body receive oxygen. Notoriously, oxygen is an excellent fat burner. Besides losing weight and body volume, this method contributes to posture improvement and skin elasticity increase. Since the exercises are not complicated they can be performed by people of any age and gender. The approach is a perfect way to become lean for those people who are always in hurry. You have to spend only 15 minutes each morning to feel all the benefits of BodyFlex!

Breathing is an important part of Bodyflex. So in order to get the desired results you have to learn to breathe. You can be confused with my previous phrase because you breathe every second since you were born! It is not quite so. Only deep diaphragmatic breathing is the key to health and grace. Just think of babies who use abdominal breathing. As we become elder we use only upper part of our lungs that leads to the fact that we use them at only 20%. The BodyFlex breathing will fill the lungs with the oxygen and increase their volume. Due to this body's cells will be purified from undesirable toxins. Furthermore, as a result you will have a fortified immune and circulatory systems. Oxygen will encourage the shaping of “trouble spots”. It is estimated that you can lose 3500 calories in 60 minutes of the exercises!

I found a picture with the key exercises of the BodyFlex cycle. The only problem is the workouts’ names are in Russian. But it is not a big deal because the pictures are quite easy to understand.

In my view, it will be easier to perform everything correctly using video. I found some helpful free videos in Youtube as well. In Russia there is a popular fitness instructor Marina Corpan who is specialized in BodyFlex. She has a special training program. I provide some of her videos below.

I really would like to start doing this as soon as possible and will tell you about my results in future!

P.S. To my surprise I could not find much about BodyFlex method in English – just websites that sell DVD with exercises. So I googled it in the Russian Internet and I have found a lot! I wish that information that I provided could be helpful for you!

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