Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Russian Buckwheat Diet

Buckwheat diet is one of the most popular diets between Russian people (especially women). Eating specially cooked buckwheat and drinking green tea and water leads not only to body purification, but also allows losing up to 12 pounds per week. As far as buckwheat was one of the most accessible products in the deficiency during the period of the Soviet Union, it stays still popular nowadays.    

Buckwheat is one of the healthiest, nuttiest, most versatile whole grains. And despite its name, it's really not related to wheat at all. While many people think that buckwheat is a cereal grain, it is actually a fruit seed that is related to rhubarb and sorrel making it a suitable substitute for grains for people who are sensitive to wheat or other grains that contain protein glutens. Buckwheat flowers are very fragrant and are attractive to bees that use them to produce a special, strongly flavored, dark honey. 

Russians know roasted buckwheat groats as kasha and eat it like porridge. You can also make cold grain salads and hot grain casseroles with the whole groats, as well as bread and many other healthy baked goods with ground buckwheat flour.

Buckwheat contains more protein than grains and is not deficient in the amino acid lysine as most grains are, so the protein is more nutritionally complete. That makes it a particularly good choice for vegetarians. It's an excellent source of magnesium, a boon to your blood pressure. A phytochemical in buckwheat may be beneficial in the management of diabetes; studies show it may have the ability to lower blood glucose levels. It's also a good source of fiber. Eating foods high in fiber, such as buckwheat, can also fill you up faster and suppress your appetite, a great tool for weight loss.

A very common use for buckwheat is porridge; the term kasha in the United States has grown to mean buckwheat breakfast porridge. You can also make cold grain salads and hot grain casseroles with the whole groats, as well as bread and many other healthy baked goods with ground buckwheat flour.

Diet Kasha Recipe
·         1 cup whole kasha
·         2 cups of boiling water
Place buckwheat in pot. Fill it with boiling water. Leave overnight. In the morning you will get a tasty porridge that needs to be eaten throughout the day instead of regular meals. One can achieve best results keeping a diet for a week or two.

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